Archive for July, 2017

July 11th, 2017 - 21:58 § in Medisch

A small device that saves lives

In the conference room of the Dakar North regional hospital, about 20 doctors and paramedics meet for a training on emergency care. In an interactive lesson, our good friend and anesthesiologist Hans shares his knowledge and experience with the interested Senegalese colleagues. Two oximeters are don[...]

July 10th, 2017 - 22:16 § in Kerk

Every one a leader!

Some church members peek around the corner out of curiosity to get an impression of the leadership training Jan is teaching with a colleague. The mostly well educated new believers have questions like “what’s the church”, “what dimension does Gods influence have in my life”, “and how doe[...]

July 10th, 2017 - 19:31 § in Kerk

A chicken farm on the roof of the church building!

Financial independence is not easily attaint for a small urban church. The idea to start a chicken farm on the roof of the church sounded a bit bizarre to me at the beginning. But with support of the internal church of Dakar and support from church members a large cage was built on the roof [&hellip[...]

July 10th, 2017 - 19:16 § in Kerk, Medisch

Praying for doctors and nurses

A car packed with health workers pulls over in front of the physiotherapists’ clinic. We’ re not there for a consultation or treatment. We come to pray with the staff. We are in a poor neighborhood at the outskirts of this city and our visit is a great encouragement. In January 2015 I started a [...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal