Archive for September, 2012

September 3rd, 2012 - 18:04 § in Medical


“Who has washed his hands before joining the table?” asks one of the nurses in a loud voice. I am just about ready to start a class on hygiene, when a grateful patient brings in a big plate of food. Without hesitating, the employees start eating. We all eat from the same large plate, as [&hellip[...]

September 3rd, 2012 - 17:58 § in Church

Weary and burdened

Just before summer, our field leader Joel asked me to preach several times in the ICF of Dakar, where he is pastor. He would spend his summer in the States for the wedding of his 22-year-old son. I decided to preach a series of three sermons on the words of Jesus “come to me all […][...]

September 3rd, 2012 - 17:53 § in News, Support


At ten o’clock in the morning adrenaline rushes through my body… I receive a call that the container will be released from the harbour TODAY, and perhaps even before noon! I quickly call those who are going to help unload and have been standby for a week. And I call the three projects fo[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal