Hospital Barthimee, established in 2005, is Senegal’s only Protestant hospital. It is about an hour and a half drive from Dakar. It is a second-line hospital with 2 operating rooms, 70 beds and several specialties (internal medicine, cardiology, ophthalmology, gynecology, etc.). The vision is to move more toward mother-child care with recently a new gynecologist and soon a pediatrician. Free cleftlip surgery is offered.

Tabitha has been a member of the board since 2018, working to provide good quality care and a Christian witness in the mid-sized city. That means attending meetings, inspiring the personel, praying and helping out whenever possible. For example, the mission has contributed to solar panels on the hospital roof and we sometimes host short-term medical staff. The hospital has had a tough couple of years, but recently we celebrated the establishment of the first 5-year vision plan. It’s exciting to look ahead together and seeing what the Lord will do through this medical work.