Archive for April, 2020

April 23rd, 2020 - 09:55 § in Africa, Church, Medical, News, Support

Corona relief fund

Fatoumata cannot afford her medicines. She had planned to sell one of her sheep before coming to the clinic, but the cattle market has been canceled for some time. She has diabetes but living without medicines can cause serious complications. For patients like Fatoumata who come to the Dahra clinic,[...]

April 22nd, 2020 - 17:41 § in Church, Medical

Dahra Campaign

Maimouna shakes my hand and hugs me. She recently consulted me and since the treatment her deaf ear has healed: she can hear again. Now she’s come with her neighbors for a two-day campaign of free consultation and screening at the clinic in North Senegal.[...]

April 21st, 2020 - 12:34 § in Church, Medical

A shepherd in the doctor’s office

His flock of sheep remains outside the gate when Abdou comes to the hospital for medical consultation. He has not been feeling well for a while, but because of trepidation, he has never been to the hospital before. He is a shepherd of the Fulani people and does not easily open up, not even to [&hell[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal