When the roof falls on your head …

080320151252 On Sunday, March 8th Tabitha and the kids got the shock of their lives. While Simon was lying asleep, and Maria and Tabitha down were playing downstairs, the ceiling of the study came down with much force. This room is next to Simon’s bedroom, so Tabitha ran upstairs to snatch Simon out of bed and rush outside of the house.








I (Jan) was in the women’s prison for International Women’s Day. Upon receiving the text message I caught the first taxi home. There I found destruction. The whole room was covered in dust, and large concrete blocks scattered all over: on my chair, desk, computer and printer. If someone had been sitting there it would have turned out nasty.

IMG-20150312-WA0002Our C&MA colleagues took Tabitha and the kids home  , and had us stay with them for a while. We have not slept in the house since. It has turned into a building site. The entire roof has been demolished and construction workers come and go. Last week we decided not to go back, and we’re looking for a new house.

We are grateful to God for his protection, and look forward to a new place that we can call home! Thanks for your support and prayers!







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  1. 1

    We are so thankful you are all safe. Yalla baaxna.

Your Comment to Kari

Familie Kieviet in Senegal