Archive for the ‘Church’ Category

December 19th, 2014 - 14:00 § in Church, Medical

Medical Mission, a mustard seed

For several days they had left their practice, clinic, hospital or office: the nearly 40 Christian health professionals from across Senegal. Fellowship and empowerment were key words, transformation the theme. Jesus said that where injustice is fought and suffering alleviated, where people treat eac[...]

December 24th, 2013 - 13:35 § in Church, Medical

Faith, work and networking

“When leading an emergency surgery in the middle of the night I am just as well worshiping God as when I lead the singing on Sunday morning,” explains Dr. Johnson. This Zambian anaesthesiologist  and I lead a forum on medical mission. More than 40 Christian health workers are represented at thi[...]

October 24th, 2013 - 16:57 § in Church, Family, Medical

Water is precious!

As a little boy I once went on an excursion to the water tower in Utrecht. As a reminder I received a sticker that read: “Water is precious , so go easy on the tap!” Oh, how often have I thought of that sticker in the past weeks. Water is precious![...]

July 3rd, 2013 - 09:43 § in Church


After about two years I’m back in the leadership team of the ICF! No, not in Rotterdam, but in Dakar. Not only the city is different, the community is also very different from that of Rotterdam: many expats, embassy personnel, NGO staff or people working for large international companies. As a[...]

September 3rd, 2012 - 17:58 § in Church

Weary and burdened

Just before summer, our field leader Joel asked me to preach several times in the ICF of Dakar, where he is pastor. He would spend his summer in the States for the wedding of his 22-year-old son. I decided to preach a series of three sermons on the words of Jesus “come to me all […][...]

April 23rd, 2012 - 15:58 § in Church

Being blessed and being a blessing

We went to Gabon to improve our French and for Tabitha to work at the hospital. But it has been our prayer that we not only would be blessed, but that we would also be a blessing. Looking back we see that Jan as well – next to all Tabitha’s work in the hospital – has contributed [&he[...]

April 23rd, 2012 - 15:45 § in Church

Enjoying equality

Every Sunday morning we are awakened by the joyous music that echoes from the church to the hospital and the homes of hospital staff. At the door we are warmly welcomed by the  midwife. The man who always collects the garbage sings in the choir. We keep a little distance from the[...]

March 23rd, 2012 - 22:41 § in Africa, Church, Medical

Thursday in March

This Thursday in March was different than all other days so far. At 9 o’clock in the morning, an hour after the Morning Meeting, Jeanette, a surgical nurse, died. She was admitted the night before after a sudden severe stroke. Almost no one was working that morning, and a large group of collea[...]

November 21st, 2011 - 21:02 § in Church

Meditation by Tabitha – The Prodigal Son

Le fils perdu Pendant une des réunions avec l’association des femmes africains à Massy, il y avait une discussion au sujet de ce qu’est une bonne éducation. Comment il faut agir avec nos enfants. Quelle doit être notre attitude quand nos enfants sont désobéissants, quand ils se fâchent, q[...]

August 17th, 2011 - 22:34 § in Church

First Sermon…

It was very exciting, but during the Summer School I preached my first sermon in French. I have to admit it was more like a meditation of about 8 minutes. You can listen to the sermon here and read the French text. After the sermon we sang the Taizé song Jesus le Christ. The sermon […][...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal