Archive for the ‘Africa’ Category

June 29th, 2013 - 12:53 § in Africa, Medical

Wooden stethoscopes and statistics

The fifth pregnant patient enters the Madame Sy’s consultancy room, the head midwife of the district hospital. One sits on the examination table with a trainee, one next to her, one on a chair facing Madame Sy and two in a corner. While I wonder what privacy means in this culture I see a nice [&he[...]

May 10th, 2013 - 22:51 § in Africa


Last Sunday (May 5th) the Dutch celebrated their liberation of the German oppression during the Second World War. I have to admit I was not quite aware as it was a busy day. But this past week I took some time to reflect on Freedom and was touched by the following poem of the Senegalese […][...]

January 12th, 2013 - 14:44 § in Africa, Medical

2013 or 1931?

We wish you all a healthy 2013!   That this is not obvious was experienced by Aida and Mariam, 6 month old twins, who were brought to our nutrition consultation by their grandmother. Their mother had died while giving birth, something that’s still way too common in Africa. On this continent t[...]

October 28th, 2012 - 11:01 § in Africa, Medical, News

Albinism in Senegal

In an empty classroom, armed with only a stethoscope, first aid kit and prescription pad I provide a free clinic for people with albinism (popularly called albinos) in Senegal. I provide basic care, give information and hand-out sunscreen. It is October 13, a national day for people with albinism, o[...]

July 27th, 2012 - 14:02 § in Africa, Recipes

A goat at the neighbors

“Boo” says Simon (1 year) as he points out the window. We are at the neighbors across the street, introducing ourselves as the new neighbors. Indeed, there’s a large black and white goat – with goatee and all – in the garden, who bleats loudly. “Why do you have a goat in [...]

June 16th, 2012 - 21:47 § in Africa

Say ‘a’!

Our first conversation in Wolof (translated) A: Peace with you B: Peace to you too A: How are you making it? B: I’m still here A: Is your body in peace? B: Only peace A: Do you come from the people of America? B: No, I’m from Holland. A: How do the people in Holland […][...]

June 1st, 2012 - 16:11 § in Africa

The art of getting the right price

Going shopping or taking a taxi, it all seems so simple – especially as we speak French. But because prices are not fixed, it always turns out to be an adventure. Like buying mangoes at a small boutique on the street. I greet the veiled lady in Wolof, but she immediately realizes I am a [&hell[...]

April 13th, 2012 - 12:46 § in Africa, Medical

Myths around pregnancy

“When you eat an egg during pregnancy your baby will be born bald…” An American guest-gynecologist reveals some pregnancy myths. “And when you stretch both arms high up; the umbilical cord might get around the baby’s neck.” “We relate a circulating umbilical cord to a pregnant woma[...]

March 23rd, 2012 - 22:41 § in Africa, Church, Medical

Thursday in March

This Thursday in March was different than all other days so far. At 9 o’clock in the morning, an hour after the Morning Meeting, Jeanette, a surgical nurse, died. She was admitted the night before after a sudden severe stroke. Almost no one was working that morning, and a large group of collea[...]

March 7th, 2012 - 21:02 § in Africa, Medical

Movie of Bongolo Hospital

Seeing the great medical needs in the Bongolo area, the local church started to pray to God in the early 70’s that God would send a doctor. When a team of medical CAMA missionaries arrived in 1977 their prayer had been answered. The small dispensary grew to what today is known as the Bongolo Hospi[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal