2013 or 1931?

We wish you all a healthy 2013!


That this is not obvious was experienced by Aida and Mariam, 6 month old twins, who were brought to our nutrition consultation by their grandmother. Their mother had died while giving birth, something that’s still way too common in Africa. On this continent the number of mothers dying in childbirth – this is called maternal mortality – is just as high as it was in Europe in the 1930s! (1) From that perspective we should be wishing the people at the clinic a good and healthy 1931…

Imagine that in your church fellowship of 150 adult members, there are 4 families whose mother deceased giving labor and 15 families who have lost a baby during childbirth.


Whereas in other areas (e.g. infant mortality) much progress has been made, pregnant women are a forgotten group. Not only because there are too few hospitals and midwives, also because these necessary health facilities are distributed unfairly. Moreover, women are often poorly educated, they don’t know the risks of childbirth, and don’t have access to family planning. They are forgotten; their husband does not listen to them, and the government does not protect them.

At Keru Yakaar, we are therefore standing up for pregnant women. The prenatal clinic – which Tabitha leads – wants to inform pregnant women about the risks of pregnancy (awareness) and empower them so that their own choices (empowerment).

We get help from an NGO, Marie Stopes. They have the trainers and resources, we the direct contact with the patients. Together we stand strong and we hope to reduce maternal mortality in Senegal.

You can support the prenatal clinic by a contribution of money to:

CAMA Zending in Maarn
Account: 309400
IBAN: NL89 INGB 0000 3094 00
Marked: Kieviet – Project Prenatal Care
Or click here for Ideal (The Netherlands only)

(1) Maternal-Newborn Health and Poverty (MNHP Project, WHO)

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Familie Kieviet in Senegal